We have so enjoyed living with the Assistants. I will always be grateful to Elder Flake and Elder McArthur for helping us in our adjustment to the office. Their wonderful, goofy interactions made me laugh and reduced the stress.
And now we have Elder Pond and Elder Gosar with their funny notes! I am so grateful for the opportunity we have of spending a little time with some of the Lord's choice sons.
There will always be a special place in my heart for these young men.
While we have been here, Barry and Jana have almost completed a project we have worked on for about 15 years. Years ago, our two families committed to building a cabin. We had the idea that it would be a great experience for our children to learn construction and that we would build it large enough that we could have youth groups or family gatherings. The problem with the plan was that a short time later, all of the boys got jobs, then went on missions, then got married. As a result, we didn't have much of a work-crew left. So, every summer we worked hard to complete the cabin. Every year, there was still too much left to be able to complete it. I think every year I told the people at work that when it was finished we would have them come up. We left for the mission without it being completed. Since we have been gone, Barry and Jana got the kitchen finished and carpet in. It is now usable! I can hardly wait to have friends and family come up. It is hard for me to believe now that we actually built this ourselves. This place is filled with so many memories. I remember making meals in a crockpot when we would work until dark.
This is the view from the loft into the great room. Up in the right-hand corner you can see the door to one of the two bedrooms on that level.

This is the game room downstairs. I think it will be a place for a pool table etc.

This is the kitchen, obviously. We didn't build the cabinets, but the tiling was a family success story and Jana did paint one of the pieces in an accent color.
The past six weeks have been hard. We have the privilege of having more missionaries come in than leave, but that does put a little stress on me. I have had to get 7 apartments ready (finding them, getting leases and furnishing them). One of our sweet sister companionships ended up without a bed for a night. I laughed when we went to deliver the beds and they had built a tent in which to sleep. I am still short one apartment, but hope to get one set up for later in the week. I have cleared out a lot of our furniture from storage.
I know I could not do this assignment without the help of the Lord. One of the locations where we want to put missionaries is in Greensboro, Georgia. I had looked for weeks for a place with no luck. The Branch President was also working on it and his options fell through. I turned to the Lord and asked for his help. I found a delightful home with a sweet spirit. The Branch President is thrilled. I know the Lord helped us after our prayers and all that we could do.
We got to go to Mara and Leo's home for dinner this week. Mara makes some wonderful dishes. I hope to spend some time with her to learn to make them, then have Kaina teach me some things. I already learned cheese bread from Daniela!