We began packing. I have to laugh, we are probably one of a few senior missionaries who has had their call changed twice, have been called upon to work with other companions and who have officially been transferred. We always joked at home that they had to change the ward boundaries to get rid of us, and it seems that we are having a similar experience here. They can't get rid of us, so they change the assignment! Just kidding!
I was officially called as a counselor in the Young Women's Organization. I love those young women so much, I was thrilled. We will be living much closer to the Young Women's President, so it will actually make it easier to have meetings.
We attended what will probably be our last District Meeting on our mission. My understanding is that when we will be in the office we will not be in a District. We have thoroughly enjoyed associating with the young missionaries. We have tried to be helpful, and occasionally even brought treats. I remember some really wonderful experiences in those meetings.
On Thursday, we were able to have another session with our Brazilian friends at the Temple. They are so wonderfully faithful about the temple. They are a great example to me.
On Friday, we had fun taking Richard out for his birthday. We wanted to feed him Brazilian food. We took him to a churrascaria, but it wasn't as good as what we eat at Branch parties. Darn! I wanted to show off the great food we have. Maybe we can convince him to come to the Southern Barbeque/Brazilian Barbeque cook-off that we are having next month. It should be great!

When the service was completed, they had a lovely buffet including a chocolate fountain! I haven't seen one of those in a long time. It made me smile and reminded me of Raf and Megan's wedding open house at our home. We had a chocolate fountain then. The open house was outdoors at our home. The wind picked up and there was chocolate sprayed everywhere. I was a basket-case about it. Today, I hope I would laugh. It seems pretty funny to me now.
We had Stake Conference this weekend. The sessions were really great. There were lots of messages about enduring through trials. There were many people who spoke of the loss of a loved one through suicide, helping people overcome addiction or understanding the addicted, learning humility through loss of a baby and cancer.
We really have no idea how blessed we are to have a gospel that teaches us that there is a plan, a design for us that will be eternal. We have an eternal purpose. While it is difficult to understand God's plans sometimes, he is always correct and the plan is always ideally suited for our needs.