But they have all completed the time of their assignments and are returning to their families. So, on Tuesday we went to stay with the Jessens so we would not have to commute in the traffic (it is a 45 minute drive from our apartment during non-traffic times). The first day was spent in getting the new missionaries from the airport. We didn't have a large group come in this time. When they arrive, there is an orientation for them to explain how things work. After the orientation, they spend the night at the mission home with President and Sister Bennion.
On Wednesday, transfers take place. The Assistants have to figure out where each companionship will meet. That takes amazing logistical planning. We had so many apartment closures and changes this time that missionaries were coming and going like crazy. We had to account for phones, house keys, and car keys. I was responsible for changing the phone assignments on a list. Thankfully, Sister Jessen is really good at this and had planned ahead so we had a list of the changes. That helped, but it was still a challenge.
The outgoing missionaries are loaded into a van and allowed to attend a Temple session. That is one of the things the missionaries most value.

I made around 100 cookies and so did another of the office missionaries. I am guessing we had about 500 cookies and they were all gone.
On Thursday morning, we got up early to be at the mission home for breakfast. We loaded up missionaries and took them to the airport. We had 21 leave this time, but it was so well organized that it was a smooth trip. I was not as emotional as usual. I guess it is because I was trying to learn my job.
Our new home is a house where we live on the upper floors and the Assistants live in the basement. One of the sweet things that the Jessens have done is establish a good-night ritual with the Assistants. It reminds me a bit of days when we were raising teenagers, except the Assistants are cooperative and do not complain.
On Thursday night, we attended a Temple session in Portuguese. This Thursday we will do so again.
On Friday, we helped our Cumorah sisters to get rid of some things other missionaries had left. Missionaries are notorious for leaving things behind when transferred or going home. It is amazing what exists in apartments!
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