new apartment. Fortunately, they are very forgiving!
At the end of the storage shed project, the missionaries were apparently feeling a little like Ninjas. I am so grateful for their help.
This Zone Conference we introduced the concept of the apartment journal. I can feel the spirit when I testify to the missionaries about keeping their apartments up so that the spirit can reside. I hope that we are able to raise our attitudes and our sights to a higher kind of living.
Bugs continue to plague us. I am constantly amazed at the varieties and numbers of the bugs here. I tell the missionaries that the bugs lived up to the commandments given to them, so when they were required to leave the Garden of Eden to afflict and torment man, the bugs were allowed to choose where to live. Where did they choose? Atlanta!

We also had a New Beginnings program today. Our theme was "Oh ye that embark in the service of God, see that ye do so with all your heart, might, mind and strength." As I understand it, the Branch hasn't had the New Beginnings program before. It was fun to be able to have such a great theme to use. We had food on plates in the sea (blue waves), boats carrying food and napkins, a lighthouse, goldfish cookies and crackers, brownies, fruit, donuts, cookies,Swedish fish and even a bowl with real knots on the outside (thanks to the scouting skills of Elder Dixon!

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