This week was a good one for regenerating. I admit I was tired emotionally, mentally and physically. Fortunately, there was a little bit of a slow-down, so it gave us a chance to leave the office earlier and to take a day off. I love the Senior missionaries in the office and they encouraged us to take a break. I guess the exhaustion was showing.

The lady in the outfit above has pheasnat and macaw feathers in her headdress. Her outfit was intricate beadwork in an Aztec pattern.
The teepee was one of several set up in a field.
The dancers to the right had headdresses of porcupine hair. Their outfits (not costumes) were really amazing.

If you look closely at the picture of our guide, you will see Elder Dixon in the rearview mirror.

One privilege that we have is to be able to talk about the gospel with the Elders who live here. They have deep discussions with investigators, sometimes from some who are not looking for truth, but seeking to destroy the faith of others. It has been really good for me to understand the importance of faith.
We have slowed a little bit for just the past week, and so we can focus on needs for the future. I have been trying to find apartments in two areas and having little success. Our sweet missionaries are helping out, so it will all work out.
We also attended a soccer game for one of the Young Women and the birthday party for a little guy who was born after we came into the Branch. I have commented before at how sweet it is that the Branch supports each other like this. Many people came, in addition to these family members.
There is so much good in these people. I love them dearly. They have changed me and helped me more than they will ever know.
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