For me, the best Christmas memories involve family. This year, I have an extended family and loved being with them.

On Christmas Eve, we were invited to celebrate at Elder Dixon's brother's home in the Atlanta area. We were welcomed into the Giovine family for a delightful time. Pete has a real talent for decorating an entertaining and it was beautiful. I still can't imagine trying to get all of that done in a couple of days (since they went to Cancun on vacation just before).
We asked if we could take a plate of food with us since Andreia, Kaitlyn and Titan were coming in on the airplane after a long flight. They gave us those aluminum pans full of food!
At about 9:40 p.m. the girls and Titan arrived. I have to tell you that there is no greater gift in the world than to have a child run to you and jump up to be hugged. It was WONDERFUL to have them come and they did so at great sacrifice. We hurried straight home so that Santa could find Titan.

Christmas morning was so fun. Santa had found Titan and there are Legos in several rooms to prove it. When we discussed how the assembled legos would make it to Utah, we all agreed that the Legos would probably have to be reassembled at James' house!

We then had a delightful time with Bala and his family, Elder and Sister Underwood, Elder and Sister Nebeker and the Assistants. The Assistants prepared a message about the birth of the Savior with songs in between. Well, I have to say that we were not exactly great at the singing! Even so, it was wonderful.

In the afternoon, we assembled some appetizers and went to Dominic and Michael's home for dinner with the Giovines. It was another beautiful meal. Uncle Richard and Uncle Pete were very thoughtful to Titan. He now has a nice iPad and has used it a lot.
We were able to talk to James and his family and Skype with Raf and his family. I do miss being closer to them.

But the girls brought the smiles. Every year when Andreia asks what Elder Dixon wants for Christmas, he tells her "obedient children". So, this year, she had letters (almost affidavits, but not quite that formal) from people telling us how obedient she is. What a crack up!

Kaitlyn also brought her "A" game. She ordered 100 of these little flamingos and has hidden them throughout the house. I am guessing those things will show up long after we have completed our mission. I am sure my mother is having a great laugh over this one!
It has been a joyous Christmas.
But I can't end without sharing my testimony that Jesus Christ is our Savior. And, like our Balthazar in the Christmas party, I have found him.
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