Today was one of the best fast and testimony meetings I have attended in a long time. One of our recent converts had a pastor coming to her home for dinner. She hasn't been a member very long and the pressure put on our new converts by those of other faiths is tremendous. She prayed because she was really scared about having him come. The Elders (our missionaries) then dropped over (an answer to her prayer). As a courtesy, she asked the pastor to see if he would object to having them come for dinner. He agreed as long as they did not discuss religion. She said that they would not unless he did. All of them were there for dinner and religion was not discussed.
After our Elders left, the pastor indicated that he was surprised that Eleuza would let "them" in. She explained that, although she was not learned in the scriptures like he was and she was not able to respond to his points, she had felt the spirit about the Book of Mormon and it made her happy. She talked about how our gospel teaches us to love others and so she would always welcome him for dinner, because that is what the Savior would do. When he left she sought reassurance in the scriptures and found verses that gave her exactly what she needed. What a powerful testimony! I can't begin to explain the joy I felt in seeing a recent convert have that strength to overcome opposition. She is a joy!
Then Elder Cruz bore testimony of how the Lord answers prayers. He had been very concerned about a new assignment and really felt the need for a blessing in his own language. President Tedjamulia had no idea about Elder Cruz's concerns or his prayer, but called him. Of course the blessing was given
And our beautiful new sister from Temple Square bore testimony of having faith. She had set a very specific goal. True to the accounts I always hear it was the end of the day when that goal was a reality. I love to hear these powerful stories of the answers to prayers and the ability of faith to change the world.
They remind me of the importance of remaining strong, sharing what is important and loving everyone. Love these people!
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