This week, President and Sister Tedjamulia, opened their home to all of our Young Women for a sleep-over and temple trip. On Thursday evening, Sister Tedjamulia fixed an amazing taco bar while President Tedjamulia traveled many, many miles to pick up the girls. They gave me time to be able to have the girls focus on a flag and cheer for their upcoming girls' camp. That was incredibly kind because they had planned several activities for the girls. When we finished the camp things, the Tedjamulias had other activities, dessert and more food. The Tedjamulias are such a good example to me of charity and love. They truly care about those girls. I missed the mummy activity, but it certainly looks fun!

On Friday, they all went to the Temple. What a great way to end the activity.
The Senior Couple who will be replacing us has been called. I had the opportunity to talk to them on the telephone this week. What nice people! I am so grateful to know that our mission family will be in good hands.
I have been reflecting on the Lord's hand in our lives. I have had some tough times. During those times, I didn't always handle it well. I lost my perspective. I lost hope. I lost confidence. And yet, when I look back on those times, I wonder if the trials were caused because I was not listening, because I was not ready for change, because I was comfortable and it was time for a change. Do we cause our own difficulties because we resist the guidance that will help us become who we want to be?
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