Along with much of the United States, we have been experiencing cold. Although we do not compare to the cold that many of you have experienced, we have been down in the 20 degree range. This is Richard's fountain. Just the week before, it was in the 60 degree and 70 degree range. Imagine the confusion the local wildlife must have!
I have decided that the only thing less predictable than the Atlanta weather are the drivers. We were driving in the slow lane of the freeway, nearing an exit. A Georgia driver was in the lane on our left. He decided that he needed to get off of the freeway, so he changed two lanes, darted in front of us and took the exit. Had Elder Dixon not been watching, we would have run into him. We are grateful for the blessings that that Lord has given us in protection.
There are things here that remind us of friends and family. There is McFarland Road. When we pass that I think of Jenny and Scott. But my favorite is the Metro Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority- MARTA. For those of you who do not know, Marta was my maid-of-honor. I am reminded of her about every day!

We have been really busy. We have been doing inspections of missionary apartments. I just have to say how much I appreciate the talents of Elder Dixon. He doesn't simply inspect, he looks for things that need to be fixed and fixes them. There are many drawers, dryer hoses, leaks and squeaks that are better because of him and even lights that work. . There are homes that feel safer because of his priesthood. On Friday we traveled over a hundred miles to do inspections. Don't feel bad for us, though. Our other Senior Missionary couples are doing a lot more than we did.
He is also great at sharing the gospel. The Brazilian missionaries are in a trio and are working really hard at finding people to teach. As a result, they often need him to work with one of them as a companionship. He also shares the message of the gospel in stores, repair shops and doctor's offices. He began speaking with a wonderful man in the doctor's office and ended up giving him a Book of Mormon with a challenge to read from it and pray about it. He promised he would and that he would call us. I am grateful for this great companion!
I have been spending time preparing lessons for the Valiant class and for Young Women. Fortunately, the youth are all fluent in English. I had 11 children in my class on Sunday. I wish that was because the Branch was getting so big, but it is really because the Valiant classes are all combined because of a shortage of teachers.
Elder Dixon attended a presentation by the Stake Employment specialist. He is well-informed and knows his stuff. He said that everyone should be looking for a job all the time. You should have your linked in account active with a current resume. He said that you should be receiving calls from head-hunters at least once a year or you need to update your skills or improve your profile. There are companies that are now using Linked-In, Facebook, Twitter in recruiting. You should not have more than 10% of your Linked-In contacts from your faith, because they are not the ones who will likely be hiring you.
We are looking ahead to this new year. We hope to add many families to strengthen the Branch. If you know any Portuguese speakers in Atlanta, send them our way!
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