On Saturday, we made certain that we left early to hit Legoland. That was the one thing that Titan really wanted to do. It was fun. It doesn't take a long time to see and do everything there. I especially was impressed with the Lego buildings built as replicas of the buildings in Atlanta.
Notice the King and Queen? Nicely done, don't you think?
We took the family to eat at Mary Mac's Teahouse. It is a great place to try true Southern food. We ordered fried green tomatoes, but they didn't come. We did get the family to try the Pot Likker and fried okra. Can't say that either of those was a hit. It was still fun to introduce our family to the South.Sunday was so great. I was so excited to introduce our daughters and Titan. I find it fun, and a little amusing, that the Brazilian doesn't speak Portuguese, and the red-headed American does. It confused my Branch family a little!
I was also happy that they were able to meet Elder Sousa before he was transferred. True Dixons that they are, they helped in the kitchen for his little mingle.
We went to the Georgia Aquarium on Monday. It was nice to see the dolphin show. Andreia cooked some great food and Kaitlyn taught me how to make my favorite Brazilian bread.
We split up one day so that Andreia and Titan and I could visit a children's museum (of sorts) and Elder Dixon and Kaitlyn went to the High Museum of Art. Lest any of you thinks that Andreia and I sacrificed to do that, that is not the case. Kaitlyn and her father are both museum aficionados and can spend hours looking at every exhibit. Andreia and I are more into the "speed museuming". We get through every exhibit as quickly as our attention span can handle. It was a great way to have all of us get the best experience. We then took the family to "The Varsity" to eat. Definitely not a hit as to the food, but everyone enjoys the "whaddayahave, whaddayahave, whaddayahave?".
On New Year's Day, we had a special opportunity to visit Elder Dixon's brother and his family at the Atlanta Airport. It was great to reconnect.
This is the one last picture I wanted to post about the Journey to Bethlehem. These were the bags that those who came received. At the end of the evening, they had a bag of gold, frankincense and myrrh. It was real frankincense and
So, Christmas decorations have been taken down. We gave away the pile of goodies we had accumulated.

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