If only the world understood what we have. We have hope. We have a promise of an eternal plan that is beyond what we can understand now. We have a divine design created by our Heavenly Father and his son. These things are reasons that we should have joy!
All of the new missionaries are now in their apartments. It was a rush, and some of them do not have all of the furniture and other things that would complete their housing. I am so grateful for the help from the Lord. There was one location we had opened and the lease was one that we cannot buy out. The Stake and Ward felt that they did not have the ability to support more missionaries in their Ward. The decision was made to never move missionaries into that apartment. I was very sad. Then I remembered that the complex had a policy where we could terminate a lease for any reason within the first 30 days. Fortunately, we have done so. I will be closing that apartment, but at least it will not continue to cost.
I also had help in finding a beautiful little home for Sisters in a new area. The Branch President had been looking and thought he had found something for us, but it all fell through. I prayed for help, then searched the same source one last time. There was a nice little family home in a good location. The Branch President was thrilled. It turns out that the man who rented to us had been trying to sell it but had not been successful. He had others who wanted to rent it, but agreed to rent to us. They are a wonderful family and the feeling in the home is special.

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