I found it especially interesting that there were tents for each of the clans. The clans posted their names in large letters and were manned by people who knew the history of the clan. I didn't expect to find anything because I could not think of anyone in our genealogy with a Scottish name. I found that Kirkpatrick is actually one of the clan septs. (like a subset). The clan spokesperson told me that our clan crest is a bloody dagger because when Sir Robert Bruce was once ambushed and used his dagger to escape, he returned to the safety of the Kirkpatrick clan and they asked if the man was dead. "I think so" he replied. The Kirkpatricks then responded "We make sure" and went back to be certain he was dead. That, my friends, explains a great deal about us. From stories about my boxing grandmother, "the fighting Grimms" (my father and his brothers) to my own personality traits, I see where we live by that motto.

We ate haggis. Can't say that I liked it, though. There was a great man who explained how to make haggis. Technically, we do not have real haggis in the United States because our Food and Drug will not allow the use of the sheep lungs. It was an entertaining explanation and I was designated as the one to hold the intestines (make of fabric)! All in all, it was fun and informative.
We also had some other wonderful things this week, but I will have to save those for another chance to write.
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